Friday, September 26, 2008

chat, cats and cakes

I thought I would share with you my daily blogs and websites that I read religiously.

Up first, Babbling Bride

This website is a living message board where us crazy brides get to interact and share our excitement, our frustrations, everything. This is the perfect outlet for me to talk wedding and avoid annoying my friends (which I still do by the way).

The bonus, I've actually made some great friends from this site that had I met them in college or at work, we'd still be friends. So yes, I am in internet dater :)

Next up, my fav etsy vendor, Princess Lasteron

Young, smart, talented, what else do you need!! If Princess Lasertron lived in Toronto, she would so be my new best friend (not to replace my currents ones). I heart Princess Lasertron. Megan's blogs talks about everything from her current projects, her studies, her tiara wearing cat .. you name it, she talks to it. And I love seeing her post my stuff :)

This site makes me pees my pants caused by laughter every time I read it. Cake Wrecks

Jen gets pictures of professionally made cakes that are 100% disastrous and I love them. Her wit is icing on the cake (pun intended).

These are just 3 of my daily visits. Good ol' internet.

49 days!